Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)

Revenue Recognition

Revenue Recognition
3 Months Ended
Jun. 30, 2024
Revenue Recognition  
Revenue Recognition

12. Revenue Recognition

The Company derives its revenues primarily from the sale of microturbine products, accessories, parts, equipment rentals and services.

The Company determines revenue recognition through the following steps:

Identification of the contract, or contracts, with a customer
Identification of the performance obligations in the contract
Determination of the transaction price
Allocation of the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract
Recognition of revenue when, or as, the Company satisfies a performance obligation

Microturbine Products The Company recognizes revenue when the performance obligation identified under the terms of the contract with its customer is satisfied, which generally occurs, for microturbine products, upon the transfer of control in accordance with the contractual terms and conditions of the sale. The majority of the Company’s revenue associated with a microturbine product is recognized at a point in time when the microturbine product is shipped to the customer. On occasion, the Company enters into bill-and-hold arrangements. Each bill-and-hold arrangement is reviewed and revenue is recognized only when certain criteria have been met: (i) the reason for the bill-and-hold arrangement is substantive; (ii) the product is segregated from the Company’s other inventory items held for sale; (iii) the product is ready for shipment to the customer; and (iv) the Company does not have the ability to use the product or direct it to another customer.

Accessories The Company recognizes revenue when performance obligations identified under the terms of contracts with its customers are satisfied, which generally occurs, for accessories, upon the transfer of control in accordance with the contractual terms and conditions of the sale.

Parts and Services Revenue from extended warranties and post-shipment performance obligations is recognized when or as those obligations are satisfied. The Company primarily offers assurance-type standard warranties that do not represent separate performance obligations and will separately offer and price extended warranties that are separate performance obligations for which the associated revenue is recognized over-time based on the extended warranty period. The Company records amounts billed to customers for reimbursement of shipping and handling costs within revenue. Shipping and handling costs associated with outbound freight after control over a system has transferred to a customer are accounted for as fulfillment costs and are included in cost of goods sold. Sales taxes and other usage-based taxes are excluded from revenue. The Company extends payment terms past one year only on a limited basis, and thus any financing component is not considered material.

Factory Protection Plan and Service Cost Reimbursement In addition to the provision of standard warranties, the Company offers Factory Protection Plans (“FPP”) to minimize product downtime and control maintenance costs to ensure the microturbine system will operate when needed and perform as intended at the lowest cost of ownership. Revenue related to the Company’s performance obligation to provide replacement parts as needed is recognized over the 30-day FPP contract period with automatic renewals for 5, 10, 15, or 20 years under ASC 606. The related costs are accrued at the time a customer submits an order, and the order’s compliance with the terms of the plan are confirmed, for a replacement part to reflect the Company’s obligation. The accrual reflects the Company’s best estimate of the probable liability under the replacement part obligation. The provision is periodically adjusted to reflect actual experience. FPP contracts typically go into effect once the standard warranty expires.

Comprehensive factory protection plan service contracts require payment at the beginning of the contract period. Advance payments are not considered a significant financing component as they are typically received less than one year before the related performance obligations are satisfied. These payments are treated as a contract liability and are classified in deferred revenue in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. Once control transfers to the customer and the Company meets the revenue recognition criteria, the deferred revenue is recognized in the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations. The deferred revenue relating to the annual maintenance service contracts is recognized in the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations on a straight-line basis over the expected term of the contract.

Some FPPs offer labor reimbursement on the labor performed on a microturbine system. Due to the nature of the arrangement, labor reimbursements are accounted for under ASC 460. An Authorized Service Provider (ASP) must perform the labor. ASPs submit claims for labor reimbursements and are credited for the cost of labor if the repairs meet the Company’s prescribed standards. The Company is unable to develop a reasonable estimate of the maximum potential payout under these arrangements because the FPPs do not contain a limit on the number of labor reimbursements that may be submitted. However, given historical practice, the Company has priced the FPP to cover all costs incurred related to the labor reimbursement and is not exposed to significant losses over the FPP premium.

The labor reimbursement is separate and distinct from the parts offering; therefore, the Company allocates a portion of the transaction price to the labor reimbursement based on SSP. The Company applies judgment in determining the SSP as the labor reimbursement is not sold separately. The Company will recognize a liability at the inception of the executed FPP agreement for the premium received in advance for the Labor offering. Income will be recognized on a net, straight-line basis with labor reimbursement costs recognized when incurred.

Significant Judgments - Contracts with Multiple Performance Obligations

The Company enters into contracts with its customers that often include promises to transfer multiple products, parts, accessories, FPP and services. A performance obligation is a promise in a contract with a customer to transfer products or services that are distinct. Determining whether products and services are distinct performance obligations that should be accounted for separately or combined as one unit of accounting may require significant judgment.

Products, parts and accessories are distinct as such services are often sold separately. In determining whether FPP and service contracts are distinct, the Company considers the following factors for each FPP and services agreement: availability of the services from other vendors, the nature of the services, the timing of when the services contract was signed in comparison to the product delivery date, and the contractual dependence of the product on the customer’s satisfaction with the professional services work. To date, the Company has concluded that all of the FPP and services contracts included in contracts with multiple performance obligations are distinct.

The Company allocates the transaction price to each performance obligation on a relative standalone selling price (“SSP”) basis. The SSP is the price at which the Company would sell a promised product or service separately to a customer. Judgment is required to determine the SSP for each distinct performance obligation.

The Company determines SSP by considering its overall pricing objectives and market conditions. Significant pricing practices taken into consideration include the Company’s discounting practices, the size and volume of the Company’s transactions, the customer demographic, the geographic area where systems and services are sold, price lists, its go-to-market strategy, historical sales and contract prices. The determination of SSP is made through approval by the Company’s management, taking into consideration the go-to-market strategy. As the Company’s go-to-market strategies evolve, the Company may modify its pricing practices in the future, which could result in changes to SSP.

In certain cases, the Company is able to establish SSP based on observable prices of products or services sold separately in comparable circumstances to similar customers. The Company uses a single amount to estimate SSP when it has observable prices.

If SSP is not directly observable, for example when pricing is highly variable, the Company uses a range of SSP. The Company determines the SSP range using information that may include market conditions or other observable inputs. The Company typically has more than one SSP for individual products and services due to the stratification of those products and services by customer size and geography.

The following table presents disaggregated revenue by business group (in thousands):

Three Months Ended June 30,





Microturbine Products








Total Product and Accessories



Parts and Services








Total Revenue





The following table presents disaggregated revenue by geography based on the primary operating location of the Company’s customers (in thousands):

Three Months Ended June 30,





United States










All other North America





Total North America





Total Europe













All other





Total Revenue





Contract Balances

The Company’s deferred revenues consist of advance payments for microturbine products, parts, accessories and FPP contracts, as well as advance payments on service obligations and extended warranties. Deferred revenue is included in Deferred revenue, current and Deferred revenue, non-current liability line items on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets.

Changes in deferred revenue consisted of the following (in thousands):


June 30,


March 31,



Opening balance, beginning of the year





Closing balance, end of the period





Revenue recognized in the period from:


Amounts included in deferred revenue at the beginning of the period





Deferred revenue attributed to FPP contracts represent the unearned portion of the Company’s contracts. FPP contracts are generally paid quarterly in advance, with revenue recognized on a straight-line basis over the contract period. As of June 30, 2024, approximately $4.5 million of revenue is expected to be recognized from the remaining performance obligations for FPP contracts. The Company expects to recognize revenue on approximately $3.9 million of these remaining performance obligations over the next 12 months and the balance of $0.6 million will be recognized thereafter.

The Distributor Support System (“DSS program”) provides additional support for distributor business development activities, customer lead generation, brand awareness and tailored marketing services for each of our major geographic and market verticals. This program is funded by the distributors and was developed to provide improved worldwide distributor training, access to online documentation and technical publications, paperless service software, sales efficiency, website development, company branding and funding for increased strategic business-to-business (B2B) marketing activities. Capstone Distributor Support Services Corporation (CDSSC), a related party, owns and operates the DSS program for the Company under a service agreement. Refer to Note 13— Commitments and Contingencies— Services Agreement between Reorganized PrivateCo and Operating Subsidiary for further details.

Unsatisfied Performance Obligations

The Company has elected the practical expedient to disclose only the value of unsatisfied performance obligations for contracts with an original expected length greater than one year. The majority of the Company’s revenues resulted from sales of inventoried systems with short periods of manufacture and delivery and thus are excluded from this disclosure.

Practical Expedients

The Company applies a practical expedient to expense costs as incurred for costs to obtain a contract when the amortization period would have been one year or less. These costs are recorded within sales and marketing expenses in the accompanying Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations.