Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)

Commitments and Contingencies (Details 2)

Commitments and Contingencies (Details 2) (DOE, USD $)
In Millions, unless otherwise specified
1 Months Ended 9 Months Ended
Sep. 30, 2010
Dec. 31, 2013
Research, development and testing of a more efficient microturbine Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system
Commitments and Contingencies    
Projected electrical efficiency of microturbine (as a percent) 42.00%  
Power output of microturbine (in kW) 370  
Projected cost of research, development and testing project $ 15.0  
Contribution by other party   5.0
Expense to be incurred by the company in research and development   12.4
Period of contract   5 years
Cumulative amount of bill under contract   3.3
Research, development and testing of a more fuel flexible microturbine
Commitments and Contingencies    
Cumulative amount of bill under contract   $ 1.4